Showing 270 Result(s)
The Most Common Mistake in Shopper Research

The Most Common Mistake in Shopper Research

At engage, we get to see a lot of shopper research. We commission research on behalf of our clients regularly, but often we are handed over research reports soon after the work has been commissioned, and we help our clients derive insight and strategy from the work. Often the studies involve in-store research: observations, exit …

How Valuable Is Qualitative Shopper Research ?

How Valuable Is Qualitative Shopper Research ?

With all the hype around Big Data, one could be forgiven for thinking that qualitative research has been retired and put out to pasture. Across the globe, insights teams appear obsessed with numbers  and are packed full of analytics people, crunching data in an attempt to deduce the answer to everything.  Qualitative research seems to …

A Checklist for Maximizing ROI with Retailers

A Checklist for Maximizing ROI with Retailers

Across the globe, trade spend (monies spent with retailers in the course of doing business with them) is escalating. Big retail customers are getting bigger (and that makes them more demanding, and harder to say ‘no’ to). Also, media fragmentation, and the pernicious, hopeful belief that it is possible to influence most shoppers at the point of …

Publicis and Omnicom Merger: What does it mean for marketers?

Publicis and Omnicom Merger: What does it mean for marketers?

The recently announced Publicis and Omnicom merger will create the largest marketing communications company in the world. In an industry which is no stranger to takeovers, buy-outs and mergers, this one seems to be creating shockwaves. Even Martin Sorrell, CEO of competitor WPP called the move “surprising”. The new company will be huge, with revenues …

How To Maximize The ROI On Your Shopper Marketing Efforts

How To Maximize The ROI On Your Shopper Marketing Efforts

Marketing to shoppers – understanding our target market as they shop, and creating activity to change their behavior in a way which will drive consumption of our brands – has many benefits. Organizations with effective shopper marketing in place deliver significantly greater ROI than those that do not employ these strategies (when we interviewed Chris …