Showing 17 Result(s)
shopper insight

One of the most valuable shopper insights you can uncover – shopper decision making authority

“How much money should I spend on consumer marketing versus shopper marketing?” It’s a question I’m often asked by clients and at conferences. They question is sometimes phrased differently (“what percentage of my spend should go in-store”; “What is the best split between above-the-line and below-the-line spend?”). The answer is “it depends”: every situation is …

The Impact Of Online Shopping On Brand Loyalty

Brand loyalty has always been an enigmatic thing. A holy grail of marketing perhaps; certainly an often elusive goal. Arguably as online options flourish, it becomes a lot easier for shoppers to ‘shop around’. Instead of having to trek from store to store, different and diverse choices are literally in the shoppers’ laps. As Nielsen …

The Most Common Mistake in Shopper Research

At engage, we get to see a lot of shopper research. We commission research on behalf of our clients regularly, but often we are handed over research reports soon after the work has been commissioned, and we help our clients derive insight and strategy from the work. Often the studies involve in-store research: observations, exit …