P&G get the message about men shoppers – but do they go too far?

Posts have been thin on the ground – I’m busy judging entries for the Asian Marketing Effectiveness Awards (more about that later) – but I did notice this article on P&G and the male shopper, and it made me think about my previous post on shoppers and consumers.

Proctor and Gamble have quite rightly noticed that men are not women, and that we shop differently. It feels like a rather crude segmentation to me, but regardless – so far so good. So, given that male grooming products target men, their logic is that the aisle needs reconfiguring for the male shopper. Again – that makes sense, right?

Right up until you ask the question – who buys male grooming products? In the last data I saw (I can’t mention the country or the company for obvious reasons) but over 40% of purchases were made by….. you guessed it – women.

P&G may have different data, but as they roll this out globally there is a danger of making gross assumptions about shoppers, and assuming that male grooming products are all bought by men is as bad as assuming all grocery shoppers are women.

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