Showing 48 Result(s)
Why and when you should buy (or not buy) retail data

Why and when you should buy (or not buy) retail data

Shopper marketers are increasingly faced with larger and larger quantities of data. Many shopper roles these days are starting to feel more like analyst jobs rather than insights or marketing, and the overall trend is towards more data being available. One big area of data growth is in retail data. Woolworth in Australia, following their acquisition of Quantium in 2013 …

Time  for Shopper Marketing 2.0

Time for Shopper Marketing 2.0

  There are many reasons why shopper marketing is being talked about so much at the moment. Unfortunately much of it is hype but beneath it all there are some solid reasons for really investing time and effort into understanding shoppers. Unfortunately for too many these efforts seem still to revolve around the point of …

What To Do About Big Data

What To Do About Big Data

Many marketers have historically been rather spoilt from a data availability point of view. Whilst I know that many marketers out there survive with virtually no real data, on the whole the consumer marketing guys have always had more than their fair share. Even the most data starved marketer is typically feasting at the equivalent …

How to double the value of your market research

How to double the value of your market research

Whenever we start a project, the first thing we do is a thorough audit of what data, reports and insights the organization already has. We do this because experience tells us that really great insight rarely comes from one piece of work; it most often comes from amalgamating data and input from all sorts of …

Shopper Marketing – The Fear Factor

Shopper Marketing – The Fear Factor

Marketers of every type spend a lot of money creating conditions so that, really, people should really love to buy our brands. Consumer marketers create awesome products which consumers tell us are just perfect for their needs Shopper marketers analyze the intricacies of the path to purchase, consider all of the touch points, and then …