Showing 53 Result(s)
Offline retail is fighting back – and that could crush your brand

Offline retail is fighting back – and that could crush your brand

I’ve just got back from presenting at a conference to around 500 marketing professionals. It was a great event, focused on the impact of digital on marketing: new consumer behaviors, new generations of consumers, new data opportunities. And it is true that this new digital world presents many opportunities to brands and to marketing. Everyone’s …

The Tesco Revolution –  A better shopper experience?

The Tesco Revolution – A better shopper experience?

Around four years ago I visited a Tesco store in Warrington in the UK, and used it as the basis of a rather scathing blog on the state of Tesco, some of their biggest suppliers, and the state of shopper marketing. The store was bleak, horrible to shop, and devoid of any marketing creativity. Since …

Retail design: Insight and simplicity rule!

Retail design: Insight and simplicity rule!

The industry spends a huge amount of money trying to influence shoppers. Unfortunately, much of that is spent on discounts. Nowhere is this more true than in Turkey. I visited Istanbul for the launch of engage Turkey & Middle East recently. Shop after shop, the first thing that I saw as a shopper was a …