Showing 27 Result(s)
How in-store marketing affects brand equity

How in-store marketing affects brand equity

My last post focused on poor in-store execution and how much it was costing the industry. But what about the activity that is activated exactly as planned? Even when things are executed perfectly, do activities always deliver the highest value to our brands? I’ve seen plenty of evidence that many well-executed in-store activities don’t deliver …

Why Is Excellent In-store Execution So Elusive?

Why Is Excellent In-store Execution So Elusive?

Whether you are in marketing or sales, poor in-store execution is a problem of nightmare proportions: all of the planning, the late nights, the negotiations, the blood sweat, tears and dollars that go into making a brilliant piece of work come to this: did it actually happen in the store in the way it was supposed …

Why Does So Much In-store Activity Lose Money?

  In  workshops or at speaking engagements  I often quote a figure of 70% of in-store work doesn’t make money. It’s based on a detailed analysis of hundreds of activities and whilst I know that it will be different for every business, we never get challenged. The truth is that the majority of people in …