Showing 27 Result(s)
One Step to Power Up Your In-store Activity Evaluation

One Step to Power Up Your In-store Activity Evaluation

Most organizations we’ve surveyed don’t do much in-store activity evaluation. Those that do typically evaluate activities based on sales uplift. Arguably better than nothing, but it does miss out a key point. To understand the value of shopper marketing or in-store activity, we need to understand the impact of that activity not just on sales, …

When Retail Execution Goes Wrong (and how to get it right)

When Retail Execution Goes Wrong (and how to get it right)

Anyone involved in shopper marketing, for agencies or manufacturers, will likely have been frustrated at some point by a retailer who was reluctant to install their brilliant work. Even with a great argument, backed by objective research, retailers can be tough to persuade. Why is this? Sometimes it is simply that implementing and maintaining that shopper …

Eight Steps to optimizing in-store investment

Eight Steps to optimizing in-store investment

My last post argued that often (though not always the case) the role of shopper marketing is to disrupt shopper behavior. This is critical to shopper marketing success: if the shopper doesn’t behave differently, it is unlikely that our results will change. Most marketers I know are looking for growth: and growth means that some …