What does great shopper marketing look like?

What does great shopper marketing look like?

A little while ago I met with a potential client – a highly experienced Director at a blue chip organization. We spoke about shopper marketing and had a great conversation but at the end of it he said (and I’m paraphrasing): “That’s all very well, but I just don’t see it happening. All is see …

How to get shopper insights for free

How to get shopper insights for free

Not everyone has a shopper insight team. Not everyone has a shopper research budget. Not everyone has a research budget period. So how to get those precious “aha moments” on the cheap? Whilst many of us prefer to have everything backed up by data that isn’t always practical for everyone. And even if you have …

Shopper Marketing – The Fear Factor

Shopper Marketing – The Fear Factor

Marketers of every type spend a lot of money creating conditions so that, really, people should really love to buy our brands. Consumer marketers create awesome products which consumers tell us are just perfect for their needs Shopper marketers analyze the intricacies of the path to purchase, consider all of the touch points, and then …

Why Does So Much In-store Activity Lose Money?

  In  workshops or at speaking engagements  I often quote a figure of 70% of in-store work doesn’t make money. It’s based on a detailed analysis of hundreds of activities and whilst I know that it will be different for every business, we never get challenged. The truth is that the majority of people in …