Showing 271 Result(s)
A Great In-store Retail Media Case Study

A Great In-store Retail Media Case Study

In many parts of the world, in-store retail media has exploded, with once-reticent retailers now open to full branded bays in every aisle, and displays galore. This rapid increase has brough opportunities, but also high costs. It is rare that I see a branded display that really earns its fee. But this one, from Gillette …

Driving brand growth via penetration? – Check this first!

Driving brand growth via penetration? – Check this first!

Growing a brand by driving penetration is nothing new. It got a lot more focus after Byron Sharp published ‘How Brands Grow’. But I’ve noticed an interesting quirk in the way marketers interpret ‘driving penetration’ that can lead to significant problems. The challenge? Most marketers when challenged to ‘increase penetration’ automatically focus on recruitment – …