In-store deals – the scourge of consumer brands

In-store deals – the scourge of consumer brands

The consumer goods industry spends a fortune on in-store deals (and proportionally) more in online environments. By some calculations, the amount spent on promotions is significantly bigger than the total profit the company makes. That is a huge cost, and yet, when pressed, the reasons for the spend are a little opaque. Some proudly announce that …

How customer service can help win with shoppers

How customer service can help win with shoppers

I’d like to hope that we’re past the point of thinking that shopper marketing equals in-store marketing: that most people in the industry accept that the process of shopping starts before the store. But definitions and points of view stubbornly refuse to change. I could include many links to articles and sites that define shopper …

Shopper Segmentation Models: Why you need your own one now!

Shopper Segmentation Models: Why you need your own one now!

There are lots of things that make a difference when it comes to getting value from your shopper data, but the single biggest differentiator between lackluster analysis and insight-driving work is shopper segmentation. Segmentation lies at the heart of all good marketing, and shopper marketing is no exception. But why should shopper marketers bother with …

One Step to Power Up Your In-store Activity Evaluation

One Step to Power Up Your In-store Activity Evaluation

Most organizations we’ve surveyed don’t do much in-store activity evaluation. Those that do typically evaluate activities based on sales uplift. Arguably better than nothing, but it does miss out a key point. To understand the value of shopper marketing or in-store activity, we need to understand the impact of that activity not just on sales, …

Unilever Shows How the Consumer Goods Wars will be Won

Unilever Shows How the Consumer Goods Wars will be Won

Same day delivery. Omnichannel consistency. Personalization. The list of what shoppers and consumers want is long. What is even more scary for manufacturers and retailers however is not that they just want these things, but that shoppers want them for free. Oh, and lots of low prices too. Consumers and shoppers want it all, for …

When Retail Execution Goes Wrong (and how to get it right)

When Retail Execution Goes Wrong (and how to get it right)

Anyone involved in shopper marketing, for agencies or manufacturers, will likely have been frustrated at some point by a retailer who was reluctant to install their brilliant work. Even with a great argument, backed by objective research, retailers can be tough to persuade. Why is this? Sometimes it is simply that implementing and maintaining that shopper …