Busting in-store mobile marketing myths

Busting in-store mobile marketing myths

If you were to believe what you read in the press (both marketing and otherwise) today’s shoppers are incapable of shopping without their phones. Led by companies such as Google, marketers are led to believe that shoppers find it hard to pick up so much as a can of tomatoes without consulting their social network. …

Not enough data? Don’t panic! Blend data with instinct

Not enough data? Don’t panic! Blend data with instinct

Using data is becoming more important to marketers. In a recent survey in the UK by Hays 27% of respondents said that data analysis was now the most essential skill in marketing (beating creativity (17%) and being customer-centric (12%) respectively). Further, the most ‘in-demand’ skill was ‘using data to optimize campaigns’ – with 55% of …