Facebook and Dunnhumby – the holy grail of marketing effectiveness?

Facebook and Dunnhumby – the holy grail of marketing effectiveness?

Facebook and Dunnhumby, the data company owned by Tesco and behind Tesco’s Clubcard, have announced a data partnership which promises to be able to connect specific campaigns to in-store shopping behavior. Is this a major step forward to measuring true marketing effectiveness? Is the data trustworthy or valid? How should consumer marketers and shopper marketers …

Omnichannel and the end of one stop shopping

Omnichannel and the end of one stop shopping

It doesn’t appear to be a good time to be an established bricks and mortar supermarket or superstore retailer. Companies such as Tesco, who a few short years ago appeared to be eternal leaders in their field, now appear to be stumbling. The growth of online shopping, the rise of the convenience store, and in …

How to build a better Trade Marketing team

How to build a better Trade Marketing team

Most consumer goods companies have a Trade Marketing team. They play various roles, but many in the industry, and in particular those in Trade Marketing, believe that the function can play a more strategic role. In a recent post I highlighted the first step to making Trade Marketing more strategic. But to really make Trade …

Four Steps to Shopper Marketing Success

Four Steps to Shopper Marketing Success

There was a time that people were skeptical about the value that shopper marketing could bring. Thankfully, those days are over, and as I travel around the world – running workshops, seminars or presenting at conferences – questions are less about whether to join the Shopper Marketing Revolution, and more about how. While every organization …

Changes in Shopper Behavior Driven By More Than Price

Changes in Shopper Behavior Driven By More Than Price

In a recent report Nielsen suggested that the significant changes in shopping behavior I predicted are happening. Shoppers are responding to changes at retail by going to more shops, more frequently, but buying less per trip. This shopping trip fragmentation is turning back the clock on decades of progression towards one-stop shopping. And it is the …

Will E-commerce bring your business pain or pleasure?

Will E-commerce bring your business pain or pleasure?

There was a time when a lot of people I spoke to didn’t think much about e-commerce. E-commerce was small and while it might grow, it was something to be concerned about at some non-distinct future time. Now it appears that e-commerce is being roundly acknowledged as being definitely ‘now’. Even those countries where e-commerce is …