Showing 4 Result(s)
One question to improve market research ROI

One question to improve market research ROI

Many companies spend small fortunes on market research every year, and while much of this research is valuable, and helps many smart marketers achieve amazing things for their companies, a lot of it is wasted. ‘We didn’t learn anything new’; ‘there was nothing actionable’; ‘the agency didn’t really do their job’; are all quotes I’ve …

The Political Shopper Marketer

The Political Shopper Marketer

I recently wrote about the characteristics of a great shopper marketer: many agreed that a shopper marketer required a number of great qualities: flexible, analytical, strategic and operational, peace envoy, negotiator and pioneer. But I think I might have missed one: politician. Politics in organizations gets a bad rap: and those that use it excessively …

How to double the value of your market research

How to double the value of your market research

Whenever we start a project, the first thing we do is a thorough audit of what data, reports and insights the organization already has. We do this because experience tells us that really great insight rarely comes from one piece of work; it most often comes from amalgamating data and input from all sorts of …